AGI white paper looks at future of phenotyping, commercial data

A new white paper, released by Angus Genetics Inc. on Jan. 28 with support from the Angus Foundation, discusses the future of phenotyping and expansion of data collection into the commercial sector. (Courtesy photo.)

A new white paper, released by Angus Genetics Inc. on Jan. 28 with support from the Angus Foundation, discusses the future of phenotyping and expansion of data collection into the commercial sector.

Written by Troy Rowan, assistant professor of beef cattle genomics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the paper examines industry research and results from Imagine: AGI’s Beef Genetics Forum, which took place Sept. 25 to 26. The event was attended by professionals from academic, research, allied industry, and ranching backgrounds.

One of the major themes of the paper is the numerous technological developments poised to affect phenotype collection. Examples include computer-vision technology and wearable sensors.

“By using these technologies to measure traits on continuous scales rather than the categorical scales we currently use for traits like hair shedding or foot angle, we can increase precision of phenotype measurements and consequently increase the quality of EPDs (expected progeny differences) over time,” Rowan said.

Rowan also discusses in the paper the types of data most important and economically viable for the industry to pursue.

“We should work on developing genetic selection tools that capture all elements of commercial profitability, continuing to improve yield and the eating experience of our end product while also making our cowherd more efficient, adapted and productive,” Rowan said.

Advancing terminal and maternal traits, health and other challenging areas of production require data integration and more advanced tools, he says in the paper.

André Garcia, senior geneticist with AGI, says AGI is uniquely positioned to help facilitate these conversations, and the white paper will help to advance discussions.

“We have a lot of discussion about the importance of commercial data, but the underlying question is how to make collection an easier process,” Garcia said. “It will take a coordinated effort to tackle these issues, on all fronts really—the technology development and application, costs, data sharing, use of the data, etc.”

Garcia said the Imagine genetics forum was the perfect catalyst to spark these discussions because of the involvement of breeders, researchers and others in the industry.

“We want something the whole supply chain can benefit from and contribute to,” Garcia said. “For this, it’s valuable to gather everyone, share and listen. Then we can move forward and work together to make progress.”

With 80% of the U.S. cow herd being Angus-influenced, according to the 2023 Industry Insights survey conducted by CattleFax, there’s no question the breed and users of Angus genetics will influence next steps.

“Angus has a long history of leading genetic improvement programs — from some of the first EPD calculations, to the integration of genomics, to single-step evaluations,” Rowan said. “Moving forward, they are well-positioned to be leaders in the adoption of new phenotyping technologies and innovative data structures.”

The complete white paper is available online at Phenotyping Paper.