TSCRA investigation leads to arrests in the theft of 82 cattle

On March 21, the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association announced they had arrested two individuals, and two warrants had been issued for others involved in a cattle theft case of 82 head of cattle. TSCRA Special Ranger John Vance led the investigation that involved six ranches and one sale barn, spanning crimes across four counties in Texas and Oklahoma.
The case was originally opened in June 2024, when a TSCRA market inspector at a sale barn in West Texas identified a cow with a brand that matched the description of some stolen cattle. The suspect that had brought the stolen animal to the sale was identified and Vance, along with local law enforcement, started gathering additional evidence that tied this suspect to a larger criminal cattle theft enterprise.
According to TSCRA, Joey Dickey, 43, was arrested in Wise County, Texas, and was later transferred to the Cherokee County Jail in Oklahoma. Brian Tribble, 58, was arrested in Tarrant County, Texas, and later transferred to Wise County Jail. Warrants have been issued for Braxton Calvert, 26, and Timothy Greer, 42, for their involvement in the case.
“Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association would like to thank the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office and Wise County Sheriff’s Office for their joint efforts in this investigation to successfully bring this case to prosecution,” TSCRA said in a statement.
Lacey Vilhauer can be reached at 620-227-1871 or lvilhauer@hpj.com.