State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the Feb. 11 report, compared to last week, trade activity light on good demand for feedlot and dairy hay. Trade activity moderate on good demand for stable and farm/ranch quality hay. Northeast Colorado trade activity light on good demand for stable hay. Southeast Colorado trade activity and demand good for all hay markets. Trade inactive in the San Luis Valley. Mountains and northwest Colorado trade light on good demand for horse hay and retail hay. Southwest Colorado trade activity light on good demand for horse hay.

Kansas—In the Feb. 16 report, compared to last report, hay market prices were mostly steady for alfalfa and steady for grass hay. Demand remains strong for alfalfa. Most of the state received some snow this past week and dangerously cold temperatures have made feeding quite the challenge.

Missouri—In the Feb. 11 report, hay movement was pretty much halted this week due to poor travel conditions. The supply of hay is moderate, demand is moderate and prices are mostly steady. Winter spread across the Midwest this week. Nearly all of the state has snow cover and some freezing rain caused some slipping while trying to get from pasture to pasture to feed this week. Some dangerously cold weather this weekend to make getting feeding trucks and tractors even more difficult to start. If there is a plus side mud is no longer an issue.

Montana—In the Feb. 12 report, compared to the last week, hay sold steady to $10 higher. Demand for hay was mostly moderate to good. Supplies remain light for feeder quality hay across much of the southern portions of the state. Some users opted to buy higher quality hay as availability for lower feeder hay is limited. Much of the state this week saw bitter cold temperatures and wind chills well below zero all week long. A slight warming trend is expected over the next week but hay usage is reported to be very high. Large quantities of hay continue to ship south on a weekly basis. Hay continues to deliver into Wyoming for $180-$220/ton. Currently 56.54% of the state is in moderate drought or worse unchanged since last week. According to the drought monitor 96.66% of the state is Abnormally dry, unchanged since last week.

Nebraska—In the Feb. 11 report, compared to last week reported baled hay sales sold fully steady. Sun-cured and dehydrated pellets in the eastern side of the state $10 higher. All contacts said demand and buyer inquiry was very good this week. Since, the state is experiencing the Arctic temperatures and livestock owners are having to supplement more hay than they were figuring on. Quite a few loads of hay continues to get shipped to neighboring states.

New Mexico—This report will resume in the spring of 2021.

Oklahoma—In the Feb. 4 report, compared to the Jan. 21 report, hay trade remains slow, however alfalfa trade seems to be improving. Wheat pastures remain in good shape after the recent moisture and semi-warm weather. Colder temperatures are expected for later in the week and staying below freezing for the next several days. No trades of ground alfalfa yet demand remains moderate to good as most feed yards and dairies seem to be current as of now. Demand remains moderate to good.

South Dakota—In the Feb. 12 report, compared to last week, very little reported hay sales this week as the bitter cold temperatures descended over the region. Demand mostly moderate for hay, rather light currently for straw and corn stalks. Much warmer weather expected next week with temps moving back to and above freezing. Snow cover remains nearly non-existent across much of the state which is causing concerns about spring moisture and the upcoming growing season.

Texas—In the Feb. 5 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are firm to $10 higher in the Panhandle, west, north, and central Texas. Hay prices in the east and south are mostly steady to firm. Forages in the majority of the state are becoming more scarce as a lot of the hay that normally comes into the state from Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma has been limited due to drought conditions in those areas as well. Next report will be released Feb. 19.

Wyoming—In the Feb. 11 report, compared to last week, large and small squares of alfalfa sold fully steady. Contacts still receiving calls as livestock owners continue to look for hay. Many contacts are sold out with a very few reporting still have some hay left to sell. Arctic cold temps across most of the state has made livestock owners supplement more hay than previous plans. This increase in feeding is making some livestock owners a tick nervous if they will have enough feed to get to summer turnout.