
Read James 4:13-17

You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? James 4:14 (NIV)

During my training as a teacher, I had to implement a reward program in a classroom. Students earned tokens for good behavior and excellent work. These were traded on selected days for small prizes and privileges. My students quickly became obsessed with the rewards.

But I struggled as I watched the frustrated faces of students who failed to meet the academic and behavioral standards. The day after I finished collecting data to complete my class requirements, I terminated the token program. A student who struggled with reading came to me and said, "Thanks. I hated those tokens." Much of society says that we gain power, possessions, and privileges by how we look, act, and perform. But that is not how we gain God’s favor.

Not long ago, four words from James 4:14 caught my attention: "What is your life?" When I thought about my life, I realized it was time to reevaluate some of my choices. I prayed for guidance to know what to do with my God-given resources and how to follow God’s will in using them. I often recall those four words. They are a reminder that my life must embrace knowing and following God’s will.

Prayer: Dear God, grant us strength to resist the appeals of worldly influences and learn to live for your purposes. Help us to understand your will for our lives. Amen.

Thought for the day: I do not have to earn God’s favor.

—Nancy Lewis-Shelton, Missouri