Springfield feeder cattle sale results

Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Missouri, reported receipts of 1,986 head selling a week ago, 1,539 head trading April 7 and 1,477 head selling a year ago, according to USDA-Missouri Department of Agriculture Market News, Jefferson City, Missouri.

A cool spring day greeted a large crowd for this Wednesday feeder sale. Compared to a week ago, feeder steers were selling steady to $4 higher with the most advance on weights over 600 pounds. Feeder heifers were trading steady to $3 higher. Feeder bulls were selling steady to $3 higher. In the Holstein steer sale, compared to 3 weeks ago, prices were steady with the exception of 600 to 700 pound steers that were trading $7 to $10 higher. Supply was moderate with good demand. Supply included: 100% feeder cattle (37% steers, 14% dairy steers, 40% heifers, 8% bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 pounds was 31%.