High Plains slaughter cattle sales report

High Plains weekly weighted average direct slaughter cattle sales for the week ending Nov. 25, compared to 87,409 head last week and 73,369 head last year, according to the USDA Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News Division, St. Joseph, Missouri.

The report was based on sales in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa and Minnesota feedlots.

Steers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 34,785 head, 1,250 to 1,665 lbs., 110.00 to 117.00 (114.82); 65 to 80% Choice, 14,966 head, 1,200 to 1,550 lbs., 113.00 to 117.00 (116.50); 35 to 65% Choice, 2,230 head, 1,225 to 1,500 lbs., 114.00 to 117.00 (116.75); 0 to 35% Choice, 141 head, 1,250 to 1,450 lbs., 114.00 to 117.00 (116.23). Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 10,649 head, 837 to 1,005 lbs., 176.00 to 185.00 (181.44); 65 to 80% Choice, 4,093 head, 819 to 957 lbs., 180.00 to 185.00 (183.07). Live delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 999 head, 1,400 to 1,500 lbs., 111.00 to 114.00 (113.42). Dressed FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 797 head, 953 to 968 lbs., 179.00 to 180.00 (179.69).

Heifers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 16,654 head, 1,150 to 1,500 lbs., 112.00 to 117.00 (115.57); 65 to 80% Choice, 9,908 head, 1,100 to 1,425 lbs., 114.00 to 117.00 (116.39); 35 to 65% Choice, 934 head, 1,125 to 1,350 lbs., 116.00 to 117.00 (116.66). Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 4,357 head, 762 to 929 lbs., 178.00 to 185.00 (182.22); 65 to 80% Choice, 820 head, 752 to 882 lbs., 180.00 to 185.00 (182.35). Live delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 876 head, 1,225 to 1,400 lbs., 111.00 to 116.00 (114.41). Dressed FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 82 head, 793 to 857 lbs., 180.00.