Missouri House Ag Committee passes fake meat bill

HB 2607, introduced by Rep. Jeff Knight, R-129, was pushed forward by the House Agriculture Policy Committee recently. The legislation prohibits misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested production livestock or poultry. The bill is a priority for the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association in light of significant investments in laboratory cultured food products and labeling concerns with plant-based proteins.

“We aren’t against laboratory cultured food technologies or plant-based proteins, but call it what it is. Confusing even the most educated consumers is not something we are going to green light,” said MCA Executive Vice President Mike Deering. “This is really about marketing with integrity.”

Deering said the legislation simply amends the current statute. He called it a simple addition to existing language.

“This legislation doesn’t overhaul current statutes. The legislation just adds a dozen or so words to existing law,” said Deering.

Current law already prohibits misrepresenting “the cut, grade, or trade name, or weight or measure of any product.” HB 2607 simply adds language to prohibit misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested livestock or poultry. Deering also stated that the word meat is already defined in statute 265.300 as “any edible portion of livestock or poultry.”

“The definition of meat is already established in state statute. This legislation adds legs to the definition and ensures that you cannot misrepresent a product as meat that is made from plants or grown in a laboratory.”

Sen. Sandy Crawford, R-28, is sponsoring identical legislation, SB 977, in the senate.