Newell sheep sales report

St. Onge Newell Sheep Yards, St. Onge, South Dakota, reported receipts of 744 head selling on March 8, compared to 507 head last year, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

This sale was not recently reported due to seasonally low receipts, therefore no market comparisons may be made. Very good demand for a string of feeder lambs and several packages of bred ewes, pairs, slaughter ewes and bucks that all sold on a very strong, active market. The offering consisted of 50% feeder lambs, 23% replacement ewes and 27% slaughter ewes and bucks.

Slaughter ewes: Good 2 to 3, fleshy, 59 head, 182 lbs., 57.00. Good 3 to 4, very fleshy, 216 to 224 lbs., 51.00. Utility 1 to 2, Medium, 22 head, 160 lbs., 55.00. Cull 1, thin, 34 head, 143 lbs., 47.00.

Feeder lambs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 72 head, 49 lbs., 286.00; 273 head, 63 lbs., 264.00; 7 head, 77 lbs., 214.00; 20 head, 91 to 98 lbs., 179.00 to 179.50 (179.07).

Slaughter bucks: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 7 head, 226 lbs., 66.00 fleshy; 5 head, 210 lbs., 64.00 fleshy.

Replacement ewes: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, whiteface, 18 head, 233 lbs., mixed, pairs 255.00; 55 head, 212 lbs., 5 years, bred 220.00; 70 head, 193 lbs., 5 to 6 years, bred 200.00; 2 head, 158 lbs., mixed bred 200.00.