Texas A&M AgriLife modernizes cattle database tool

(Photo courtesy of Texas Brangus Breeders Association.)

For beef cattle producers, opportunities for change and improvement within the beef herd begin with understanding areas of opportunities, weaknesses and vulnerability so they can find ways to achieve their goals.

To support the beef industry and producers in making these critical financial decisions and toward rebuilding the depleted Texas cattle herd, a Texas A&M AgriLife team is modernizing a database program that has already aided cow-calf producers in the southwestern United States for the past three decades.

The effort to modernize the Beef Cow-Calf Standard Performance Analysis, SPA, is being funded by a $420,000 grant from the Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Competitive Grants Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture, NIFA.

The improvements will allow for easier and better data collection and analysis so producers can have the information needed to make important operational and financial decisions.