Iowa forage webinar series continues Dec. 10

Grazing livestock on cover crops is one of the most efficient ways to improve soil fertility. (Courtesy photo.)

The I-29 Moo University, Orange City, Iowa, and the Northern Plains Forage Association have joined forces to continue the forage webinar series with a fast-paced program from 7 to 9 p.m. Dec. 10.

The program will feature six presenters to outline the most important bullet points of their topics concerning forage production.

Presenters include Madelynn Wuestenberg, an agricultural climatologist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach; Amber Friedrichsen, editor of Hay & Forage Grower, who will give an overview of alfalfa growing conditions, harvest conditions and forage test results so far this year; and Deb Sumac, a supervisory research geneticist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service who focuses on the diseases and pathogens of alfalfa with collaborations to develop a reference genome sequence for alfalfa and universal DNA markers for alfalfa breeding.

Also presenting are Scott Newell, the alfalfa outreach specialist with UW-Madison Extension, who will discuss the potential effects of 2024 weather conditions on 2025 alfalfa production, as well as the possible ramifications of the 2025 weather forecast on alfalfa; and Everett Thomas, who has worked as an agronomist in northern New York for more than 50 years. His responsibilities included crop production for its herd of 350 Holstein dairy cows. He was also involved in applied research and teaching an undergraduate course in forages. The final presenter is Jason Johnson, an associate professor and Extension economist in the Department of Agricultural Economics, who will discuss the economics of forage storage structures.

There is no fee to attend the webinar, but participants must register at least one hour prior to the webinar at