
Child car seat for safety in the rear passenger seat of a car. (Photo: iStock - Vladdeep)

Expert tips to prevent child deaths in hot cars

Boy sliding into base during a baseball game (Photo: iStock - stu99)

Youth sports engagement: what is right for my child?

  • By Eva Timothy │ Utah State University Extension
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.


Mosquito season is upon us. Understanding where these pesky blood-sucking pests develop can help you reduce their populations around your home and protect you from bites. (Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife)

Mosquito season: How to control and prevent bites

Dave Bergmeier
Happy family craving for a meal (Photo: iStock - nicoletaionescu)
Little boy playing video game in the dark room (Photo: iStock - Nastco)

Down Time from Screen Time?