david trinklein

White-tailed deer and other wildlife were not adversely affected by the drought as the spring rains provided food and cover through the summer. (Photo by Michael Miller, Texas A&M AgriLife.)

What to do when wildlife treats your garden like a buffet

Installing weed control fabric material and bark mulch in a residential garden to control weed spreading (Photo: iStock - brebca)

Gardens will thank you very ‘mulch’ during summer heat

  • By Linda Geist │ University of Missouri Extension
Woman with freshly picked green pea pods peeling and eating peas in vegetable garden. (Photo: iStock - Valeriy_G)

Early June peas: A culinary delight from the garden

  • By Linda Geist │ University of Missouri Extension
Hostas, the stars of shady landscapes, earned the National Garden Bureau’s nod as Perennial of the Year for 2024. (Photo by David Trinklein.)

Hosta steps out of the shadows in 2024

  • By Linda Geist │ University of Missouri Extension
Because perennials are less formal than annuals, they often are used in border plantings such as those pictured. (Photo courtesy of University of Missouri Extension.)

Less is more: Time to divide and conquer perennials

Wooden basket full of fresh, organic vegetables. (iStock - Brzozowska)

Cool-season vegetables are hot choice for fall garden

Ho-ho-hold the holiday decorations