
The 70th annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course is the industry’s largest event, drawing participants from around the world. (Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife)
Cows on green meadow. (Photo: iStock - Toltek)
Cattle grazing in a wheat pasture. (K-State Research and Extension news service)

Making the most of forage resources

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Grazing cover crops with beef cattle increases soil organic carbon stocks and potassium concentrations in grazed plots, according to a study from Kansas State University. (K-State Research and Extension news service)

Grazing cover crops benefits soil health in dryland systems

  • By Kelsey Stremel │ K-State Research and Extension news service
Cattle grazing in a wheat pasture (Photo: Kansas State University Extension)

Cattle Chat: Making the most of forage resources

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Sheep graze at the Milo J. Shult Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Fayetteville, site of the Oct. 28 Northwest Arkansas Small Ruminants Field Day. (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo.)
Rotational Grazing (Courtesy of Frank J Buchman)
Cattle grazing a hillside in June. (Photo: Courtesy of K-State Research and Extension news service)

Cattle Chat: Summer grazing

  • By Jacob Klaudt │ K-State Research and Extension news service