A northeastern Missouri couple, Ed and Janet Watson, celebrated their 55th anniversary by learning about forestry at a field day offered by University of Missouri Extension and the Missouri Department of Conservation. (Photo courtesy of Brian Schweiss.)
(Photo courtesy of K-State Research and Extension.)

Five mistakes to avoid when planting a tree

University of Missouri undergraduate Sam East sampling a Missouri soybean field. (MU Extension photo.)

Test for soybean cyst nematode this fall

Jessica Petersen (center), associate professor of animal science, and graduate students Mackenzie Batt (left) and Lauren Seier (right) are part of a five-person Husker team whose research can expand the range of genetic tools used by breeders to boost cattle growth efficiency. An increase in feed efficiency of just 1% would save the U.S. cattle sector more than $11 million a year. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication and Marketing.)

Husker team IDs tools for cattle growth

One tour stop was held at Loving Farms near Pawnee Rock. Pictured are (front row, L to R) Garret Otter, Almena; Brody Thayer, La Cygne; Allison Castilleja, Satanta; Leslie Smith, Ashland; Jack Adams, Plains; Cooper Imthurn, Maple Hill; Jay Ziegelmeier, Hays; Garret Smith, Great Bend; Bubba Sullivan, Amarillo, TX; (back row, L to R) Cody Howell, Chanute; Erica Auchard, Cimarron; Tara Jo Bina, Halstead; Emily Grund; Wamego; Eric Blythe, White City; Logan Hoobler, Maple Hill; Cole Baumgartner, Westmoreland; Arlan Newby, Haven; Jose Woolfolk, Hugoton; and Cole Renner, Monument.(Photo courtesy of Kansas Livestock Association.)
(Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)

Hay fire prevention 

Sunflowers (Photo courtesy of Amberlyn Brown.)
Tonia Miller, Sandhills Veterinary Services, pulls a sample on a bull to test for trichomoniasis. (Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)