karen blakeslee

Cheese platter with craft cheese assortment and grape on slate board. (Photo: iStock - Nadiia Borovenko)

Say Cheese: June 4 is a day to celebrate popular dairy product

  • By K-State Research and Extension news service
Grilling steaks on flaming grill (Photo: iStock - rez-art)

Grillin’ and Chillin’? Remember food safety

  • By K-State Research and Extension news service
Farmer woman holding wooden box full of fresh raw vegetables (Photo: iStock - Milan Krasula)
Closeup of delicious whole baked sliced ham with fresh strawberries and figs on holiday table. (Photo: iStock - evgenyb)
Party table with remote control for sport watching american football game on tv. (Photo: iStock - 500)

Touchdown tips for Super Bowl food safety

SWEET POTATO OR YAM--Beauregard B-14 (third from left) is the sweet potato most often advertised and sold under the name of “yam.” Bonita (left) and O'Henry (second from left) are among the most popular other varieties eaten in the U.S. On the right is an unreleased breeding line being tested. (Photo courtesy of UAPB.)

Sweet potatoes or yams? 

Cutting vegetables on cutting board (Photo: iStock - Lyndon Stratford)

K-State food safety expert shares holiday meal reminders 

Cleaning the kitchen sink. (Photo: iStock - Studio Light and Shade)

Don’t forget the kitchen sink

  • By Maddy Rohr │ Kansas State University Research and Extension