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It’s time to plant salad in the fall garden

Radishes, spinach, turnips, mustard, lettuce and other leafy greens can be planted from mid-August to early September, says K-State horticulture expert Cynthia Domenghini. Read More

Hands Planting The Seedlings Into The Ground (Photo: iStock - RomoloTavani)

Soil temperature is important for germination in the garden

Melon in nursery tray, young melon plant growing in greenhouse. (Photo: iStock - Sundaemorning)

Kick-start spring by getting into the garden

Frozen cabbage in the garden covered with frost (Photo: iStock - Ulrike Leone)

Fall Frost Tolerance of Common Vegetables

Wooden basket full of fresh, organic vegetables. (iStock - Brzozowska)

Cool-season vegetables are hot choice for fall garden