Springfield Livestock market report

The Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Missouri, reported receipts of 164 head selling on Jan. 17, compared to 2,917 head a week ago and 1,141 head last year, according to the USDA-Missouri Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Jefferson City, Missouri.

There were too few of any one kind or weight to establish a price trend. Demand was moderate, supply very light. Travel is treacherous as secondary roads are snow packed. Very low temperatures the last few days with highs in the single digits. The feeder cattle supply included 19% steers, 5% dairy steers, 52% heifers and 25% bulls. The feeder cattle supply over 600 pounds was 55%.

Feeder steers: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 509 lbs., 157.00; 704 lbs., fleshy 141.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 643 lbs., 141.50. Medium and large frame 2, 557 lbs., 147.00. Feeder dairy steers, per hundredweight, large frame 3, 648 lbs., 82.50.

Feeder heifers: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 400 to 500 lbs., 143.00 to 146.00; 580 lbs., 139.00; 725 lbs., 133.50. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 500 to 600 lbs., 136.50 to 137.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 125.00 to 129.00; 882 lbs., 115.00.

Feeder bulls: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1 357 lbs., thin fleshed 188.00; 495 lbs., 152.00; 600 to 700 lbs., calves 134.00 to 141.00.