Young Stockmen’s Academy meets for first of four seminars

Young cattlemen and women from across the state met in Topeka recently for the first installment of the 2018 Kansas Livestock Association Young Stockmen’s Academy. Merck Animal Health is again serving as the exclusive sponsor of the program. A series of four seminars will be held for participants throughout the year.

During the two-day session, the 20 attendees participated in advocacy training, learned more about the legislative process and heard from KLA staff about the array of member services the association provides. As part of an interactive training session led by KLA staff, White City rancher Debbie Lyons-Blythe and WIBW-Topeka farm broadcaster Greg Akagi, the group was given an overview of how best to tell consumers the beef and milk production story. Lyons-Blythe shared how she has implemented advocacy into her daily routine through the use of her blog, “Kids, Cows and Grass” and various other social media outlets.

In addition, YSA members attended a Kansas Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee meeting at the state Capitol and participated in a financial planning seminar conducted by K·Coe Isom. The group also took part in the KLA Legislative Meeting, where they and other members determined positions on individual bills under consideration by the Kansas Legislature.