Extension publication explains backyard composting

Information to help gardeners turbocharge soils by backyard composting is available in a University of Wyoming Extension free publication.

“Backyard composting: Using simple, small-scale methods,” B-974R, describes the process by which organic materials, such as yard and some kitchen wastes, are decomposed into a dark-colored, nutrient-rich, soil-building conditioner called humus.

Through composting, gardeners can manipulate temperature, oxygen and moisture to accelerate the process that occurs in nature. Authors are Karen Panter, UW Extension horticulture specialist, and Chris Hilgert, extension state Master Gardener coordinator at the University of Wyoming.

The bulletin is available in pdf, HTML and ePub formats by going to www.uwyo.edu/uwe/ and clicking on the Find a Publication link. Type the title or bulletin number into the search field.