
Read Mark 9:14-29—Mark 9:24 (NRSV)

Immediately the father of the child cried out, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

My daughter has been sick for over two years. We’ve seen numerous doctors and specialists but have received few answers. Time after time, doctors have said they can’t help her. This situation makes it easy for me to relate to the father in Mark 9. Feeling worn down and helpless, he believes but still questions whether healing is even possible. I believe in miracles; but when disappointment and discouragement start to overwhelm me, doubts grow and I wonder if change is possible.

How can I believe and doubt at the same time? When we are struggling with chronic illness or grief or family crises, all we can see is where we are right now. Some days it’s hard to keep believing that things will change. But like the father in today’s reading, we can confess our doubts and ask God to help our unbelief. This gives us strength to keep going and reminds us that with God, all things are possible—even healing and the relief of pain after years of illness.

Prayer—Dear God, thank you for allowing us to confess our doubts and unbelief to you. Help us in our unbelief. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Thought for the Day—God listens when I confess my doubts and gives me strength to keep going.

Laura Rath (Iowa)