Cooking Matters for Parents class offered in Otero County

Do you have young children at home? Are you concerned about providing healthy foods they’ll actually like? Do you find that you have more month than money when it comes to food dollars?

Come learn how to create a healthy home food environment for your family by attending the Cooking Matters for Parents class. Participants will learn about healthy eating habits; how to incorporate more fruits, vegetables and whole grains into their families’ meals; and how to plan healthy, low-cost meals to make the most of their food dollars. During each class, participants will cook a dish and each household will take home free groceries to practice the skills learned that day.

Cooking Matters for Parents will meet once a week for six weeks at the Otero County Extension Office in Rocky Ford. Classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:15 to 7:15 p.m. starting May 16. Registration is free, but pre-registration is required by May 2. For more information or to register, call 719-254-7608. Class size is limited.

Cooking Matters for Parents is presented by Colorado State University Extension in conjunction with Cooking Matters.