A time to count our blessings

Dave Bergmeier

The recent passing of Thanksgiving means High Plains residents are now going to spend the next month getting into the spirit of the holiday season.

2020 has been a year we all likely want to forget. Many traditional activities, family gatherings, church services and business open houses are going to be put on hold or limited. The staples of our rural communities—Main Street businesses—have to scramble to a new norm of shopping habits for Christmas. After all, December is the time when many Americans have budgeted monies to buy gifts for family and loved ones. That makes December historically the busiest time for cash registers to ring. December 2020 will be a time of anxiousness.

What does this all mean? It will be one of the most challenging Decembers in many years.

However, perhaps as all of us look inward and through self-examination it can also be a time for reflection and even a sense of optimism. My dad always taught me in tough times to stay upbeat and to remember that each bad day puts me one day closer to the good day. Many farmers and ranchers in the High Plains region have heard that advice or have a similar story to tell.

All blessings come from the Almighty and sometimes the tougher times help re-enforce or encourage us to follow his wisdom.

Feeling thankful for health, a home and work can provide even those who have toiled in the roughest of times to be thankful that during the holiday season we can all have a sense of optimism.

For farmers and ranchers, livestock prices are looking promising. The major commodities traded in our region are more than $1 a bushel higher than a year ago and significantly higher for sorghum, wheat and soybeans.

As we look forward to the final month of year—and in 2020 we are glad to close that book soon—take time to say thanks to the many people who have made a difference in your life. This year those people have expanded to new categories that none of us would have thought of just a year ago—nurses, doctors, emergency responders, healthcare workers, school teachers and many others who are so integral to the fabric. Be thankful for community leaders who have been put in positions none would have sought if they knew what was going to be ahead of them.

Be thankful that our country—for all its turbulence—got through a peaceful election. Sometimes when we think it is tough, remember there are people who can only dream of electing leaders and enjoy freedoms. A gift from our forefathers—we should always be thankful for.

As we move into the final month of what has been a difficult year, be thankful that you are part of the equation that is going to make a difference.

Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or [email protected].