St. Onge-Newell feeder sheep results

St. Onge-Newell sheep auction reported receipts of 581 head selling a week ago, according to USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Worthing, South Dakota.

The previously reported sale was Jan. 28. There will be no comparisons made as there is a time gap of over a month. Feeder lambs over 100 pounds saw a higher undertone for this sale. The small strings of lambs were uniform, carrying a moderate flesh condition. Offerings cleared the market at a reasonable rate. Supply included: 49% feeder sheep/lambs (100% lambs).

Feeder lambs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 70 head, 61 lbs., 243.00, old crop; 6 head, 83 lbs., 229.00; 73 head, 82 lbs., 240.00, old crop; 15 head, 91 to 94 lbs., 216.00 to 228.00 (221.50); 72 head, 102 to 105 lbs., 219.00 to 230.00 (224.12); 269 head, 123 to 125 lbs., 199.00 to 200.00 (199.91); 3 head, 127 lbs., 82.00, buck lambs.