The wagons are circling

We’ve had yet another week of empowerment out on the road with the ARISE USA Tour. We have been to the West Coast and now are headed back through the heartland.

We had a very specific plan on how to accomplish hitting all 48 lower states when we started but the plan has been modified to head back to Nebraska thanks to Gov. Pete Ricketts. He has truly exhibited leadership on behalf of the citizens of his state and we are going to illuminate that leadership in the hope that all governors will follow suit.

There are two key issues at the heart of this recent movement: On June 25, Ricketts signed an executive order pushing back on President Joe Biden’s 30 x 30 plan. Biden is attempting to tell the public that this is all about conservation and not a “land grab” but nothing could be further from the truth. Returning land to “its natural state” is a complete disaster and anything the federal government touches turns into a catastrophic event.


The other looming issue that Ricketts is right on top of is the Nebraska State Board of Education pushing a sex education curriculum to our kids from 1st to 7th grade. We need to get back to the basics of true education, not teaching kids that you should be able to choose your gender. The true immorality that the educational systems have now included in school curriculum should inflame every parent and grandparent into action.

I want to really stress the process Ricketts is utilizing to create these solutions for the state. He is not sitting in his office in Lincoln, Nebraska, shouting out orders and trying to create additional bureaucracies to address the problem. Instead he is going to the people, listening to them and educating them in their home counties.

He has been alternating town hall meeting topics between the 30 x 30 land grab and the sex education agenda. He is going to the grassroots people and following the very same initiative that we have had on this ARISE USA Tour. We truly believe that all permanent, positive change must come from the people at the very local level.

Honestly, my greatest frustration in all of this is the fact that rural and farm groups are not taking a stand against these federal initiatives. It is far too common in all areas that I hear folks say, “Well, it might not be too bad; let’s see how it plays out.” Nothing could be worse because by the time it all “plays out,” it will be too late. This is no different than letting the enemy completely surround you in a war and then trying to figure out how to get out.

I know for a fact that the ag groups who are not taking a stand against 30 x 30 are simply trying to placate the feds, hoping not to disrupt their stream of free handouts.

Obviously I am not on the fence about these issues. Conservation easements of any kind are not beneficial to the family operations in the long run. Any time you tie up the decision-making power for your own property in any way, you are putting the nails in your own coffin. And when it comes to the indoctrination of our kids in the public school system, tell me how we fix that one? The reason they target our kids at such a young age is because they know they are planting seeds that may change their minds forever.

I fully understand that the trend is to pull kids out of the public school system and homeschool them. I am not opposed to that in any way but at the end of the day we are going to pay for a public school system with our taxes whether our kids go to school there or not. There are also families who are not able to homeschool so we need the school system to be sound and teach our kids to be proud of who they are and what they can accomplish in making the world a better place for all.

It’s time to circle up the wagons and do what’s right for the people of this country and stop being caving to the special interest, squeaky wheels that are working to destroy a republic that our ancestors fought and died to create so they could escape just such tyranny.

  Editor’s note: Trent Loos is a sixth generation United States farmer, host of the daily radio show, Loos Tales, and founder of Faces of Agriculture, a non-profit organization putting the human element back into the production of food. Get more information at, or email Trent at [email protected].