Helpful household hints

Stinky shoes

A reader wrote of a hint a friend gave her that really works. Her son is in high school and is a football and basketball player, and when he takes off his shoes when he gets home the smell is absolutely awful.

Her friend told her to take an old pair of socks with no holes in them then put some fresh cat litter in each sock, tie it shut and then put the cat litter sock in each of the smelly shoes and leave them in overnight. She said it works. The cat litter absorbs all the stink, doesn’t damage the shoe and you just pull it out in the morning before the kiddo heads off for school stink free.

Gum remover

A reader wrote that her 14-year-old daughter recently came home from school in tears, with globs of chewed up gum smeared in her hair.

She said they were lucky that the next-door neighbor happened to be there because the gal grabbed the jar of peanut butter on the counter and rubbed it in the mess. She said that somehow the peanut butter breaks down the gum and it can then be combed out of the hair, which then can be washed clean.

Cleaner crisper drawers

A reader writes that she lines her crisper drawers with paper towels. They keep the drawer free of moisture and cleaner. She says if a towel gets wet, she uses the good parts to clean up messes on the floor and only uses them for this purpose, which saves her money by keeping the produce fresh.

Aw, nuts

A reader sent in a hint years ago that I use yet today. She said that she has arthritis and her hands don’t work quite right so when she needs to open a small jar, she gets out the nutcracker and uses that. She says that the nutcracker has grippers to hold the lid tight so she can turn it instead of having to call her son to stop over in the evening to open a jar for her.

If you have hints or ideas to share, send them to PennyWise, Box 518, Kadoka, SD 57543; or email them to [email protected]. If you send me your name and address, I’ll send you a free copy of the PennyWise Newsletter. Please mention High Plains Journal when you write.