State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the Oct. 28 report, compared to last week, trade activity moderate on good demand for horse hay. Horse hay sold steady to 50 cents higher this period. Trade activity was light on good demand for ranch hay. Trade inactive on all other hay markets. According to the NASS Colorado Crop Progress Report for the week ending Oct. 24, fourth cutting alfalfa harvested is 85 percent complete. Stored feed supplies were rated 2 percent very short, 17 percent short, 64 percent adequate, and 17 percent surplus.

Missouri—In the Oct. 28 report, compared to last report, hay movement has been limited, as most have decent stockpiles. The supply of hay is moderate and demand is light to moderate and prices mostly steady. Rains over the last week have resulted in improved soil conditions. A near 10 percent decrease was reported in the drought areas scattered around the state this week. The ever skyrocketing prices of fertilizer continue to be on the minds of producers. Reports of some trying to pre-buy ahead of more possible increases have be met with rejection as local retailers refuse to sell product they don’t yet have for fears of not getting it or being upside down if they presale this early.

Nebraska—In the Oct. 28 report, compared to last week, all reported forages sold steady. Demand for hay products was sporadic across the state. Some contacts had several calls from prospective buyers’ others reported light phone calls this week. Light to heavy rain showers across most of the state on Oct. 26 and 27. Most farmers were on the bench Oct. 27 but are playing Oct. 28 taking crops out of the field in some areas of the state. Some might not get back into the field for a few days in areas that received over 2 inches. Fourth cutting alfalfa has been very slow to be put up. Few, contacts did mention about putting up some 5th cutting if the weather will let them. Cornstalk and soybean stubble baling is on the sidelines for the time being due to rain showers. Many producers are hopeful it will dry out so baling the much-needed roughage will continue. Per NASS as of Oct. 25, pasture and range conditions rated 12% very poor, 19% poor, 53% fair, 16% good or better.

Oklahoma—In the Oct. 29 report, compared to the last report Oct. 14, hay remains steady for much of the state with good demand, but movement is beginning to raise. Although, with the feed cost continuing to raise, hay remains the main feed resource for the producer. Milk prices are still low, dairies are continuing to move to cheaper feed rations. Much needed rainfall was received in parts of the state, but according to the Mesonet most of the state is mainly in an abnormally dry condition. Due to limited sales and price changes, next report will be released Nov. 12.

Texas—In the Oct. 29 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are steady in all regions. Trading activity and demand were moderate. Final cuttings of hay are in place across most of the state. Cutting in the South and Coastal Bend region has once again been delayed due to rain in the region. More fall like temperatures have moved in accompanied by strong winds. Winter wheat has been planted and is beginning to emerge, but it has been spotty in the cental, west, and Panhandle due to a lack of moisture. Hay is beginning to move more as producers are stocking up for winter. However, a lack of trucks and increased trucking prices have slowed down movement some. Due to limited sales and price changes, next report will be released Nov. 12.

New Mexico—In the Oct. 29 report, compared to last week, alfalfa prices steady to $10 higher. Beardless wheat steady on limited supplies. Trade moderate to active, demand good. Most hay producers are done cutting for the season, while a few are days away from finishing.

South Dakota—In the Oct. 29 report, compared to last week, all classes of hay remain firm. Very good demand for all types of hay currently. Cattle producers are shipping and weaning calves, which is keeping demand for high quality calf starting hay in high demand. All supplies of hay are much tighter this year due to the devastating drought. Corn growers were making good progress on their harvest this week, which has helped to open up corn stalk grazing for beef cows.

Wyoming—In the Oct. 28 report, compared to last week, baled hay sold steady to firm. Buyer inquiry was good with several calls as end users continue to look for hay to procure to get through the winter. Limited supply of hay left to sell as much of the third cutting has been spoken for even though it has not all been baled. Many producers barely get hay baled and buyers are there wanting to buy it. Most hay sheds are empty for this reason. Valley Video Hay Auction is holding probably their last sale of the year.

Montana—In the Oct. 29 report, compared to last week, hay sold fully steady. Demand for all classes of hay remains very good. Buyers continue to search for hay as many have marketed their calves and have the wherewithal to buy hay. Producers report receiving many phone calls from ranchers this week as limited supplies are forcing ranchers to search for supplies. Many ranchers are buying straw to blend down hay and help lower feeding cost. Straw demand remains good to very good. Hay continues to be delivered into the state for $285 to $325 per ton from neighboring states and Canada. Prices have increased in the last few weeks as the price of fuel has risen and transportation remains tight. Hay prices per loaded mile range from around $4.50-$7.50 per loaded mile depending on the type of transportation used. Market activity this week was active to very active on limited offerings.