NRCS announces conservation funding opportunities in Colorado

Clint Evans, USDA’s State Conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Colorado announced funding opportunities for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and the Conservation Stewardship Program.
Although NRCS accepts Farm Bill program applications throughout the year, to be eligible for this round of funding, EQIP and CSP applications must be submitted by Dec. 3, 2021. Producers, landowners, and forest managers interested in applying for assistance should contact their local Colorado NRCS field office.
Through conservation programs, NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to help producers and landowners make conservation improvements on their land that benefit natural resources, build resiliency, and contribute to the nation’s broader effort to combat the impacts of climate change.
EQIP is a voluntary Farm Bill program which provides financial assistance for conservation systems such as animal waste management facilities, irrigation system efficiency improvements, fencing, water supply development, riparian protection, and wildlife habitat enhancement.
Through CSP, NRCS helps farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners that are already stewardship-minded take their operations to a higher level of conservation and stewardship. CSP participants earn annual payments enabling them to expand and adopt new conservation activities while maintaining and strengthening their agricultural operation and its production goals. Landowners looking to improve grazing conditions, increases soil health, or develop wildlife habitat will find CSP is a financial assistance program worth consideration.
Producers, landowners, and forest managers interested in applying for assistance should contact their local Colorado NRCS field office located in the USDA Service Center offsite link image that services their county. Producers must have farm records current with the Farm Service Agency and submit a complete program application to NRCS to be considered for financial assistance through EQIP and CSP. To find out more information about EQIP, CSP, and other Colorado NRCS programs and opportunities, visit