Sorghum planting continues

According to the week ending June 19, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reported the following sorghum crop conditions.

Kansas: Sorghum condition rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 35% fair, 54% good, and 4% excellent. Sorghum planted was 72%, behind 81% last year and 79% average. Headed was 1%, equal to average.

Colorado: Sorghum condition rated 0% very poor, 6% poor, 50% fair, 44% good, and 0% excellent.

Nebraska: Sorghum condition rated 1% very poor, 8% poor, 26% fair, 61% good, and 4% excellent. Sorghum planted was 95%, near 96% last year, and equal to average. Headed was 1%, equal to last year, and near 2% average.

South Dakota: Sorghum condition rated 4% very poor, 10% poor, 34% fair, 52% good, and 0% excellent. Sorghum planted was 86%, behind 96% last year and 91% average. Headed was 1%, near 4% last year, and equal to average.

Oklahoma: Sorghum condition rated 35% very poor, 21% poor, 30% fair,  12% good, and 2% excellent.

Texas: Sorghum condition rated 14% very poor, 21% poor, 45% fair,  19% good, and 1% excellent.