Company adds 3 AgriPro brand hard red winter wheat varieties

As global wheat stocks are expected to remain tight through 2023, Syngenta, Downers Grove, Illinois, is offering three new varietal options to help central Plains wheat growers increase yield potential and resist common diseases this winter wheat planting season.

The new AgriPro brand wheat varieties are AP Bigfoot, AP Solid and AP Longjack.

AP Bigfoot is a medium-early maturity variety that has proven strong yield data and test weights across the region. It performs well in low pH soils and dryland systems and features a very good leaf and stripe rust resistance. A good choice for planting after soybeans, AP Bigfoot is also one of the top AgriPro brand varieties for protection against Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus. Growers in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming can purchase the new variety.

The second new AgriPro brand variety, AP Solid, is a medium-late maturity variety featuring solid yield potential for Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, and Western Nebraska growers. AP Solid’s improved stems also help with sawfly management. Montana State University confirmed it has an excellent solidness score.

For Central Plains wheat growers in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, AP Longjack is a medium-late maturity variety with good straw strength. AP Longjack also offers the best winter hardiness and highest grain yield in the awnless variety from AgriPro.

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