Elliott Equipment, AEM host Nebraska ag lawmaker

Elliott Equipment Company and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers hosted U.S. Rep. Don Bacon, R-NE, a member of the House Agriculture Committee for an I Make America event at Elliott’s Omaha, Nebraska, facility, on May 4. 

The I Make America is AEM’s national grassroots campaign, is the voice of the 2.3 million men and women of the equipment manufacturing industry who make the equipment that build, power, and feed the world. 

“Elliott Equipment Company’s dedication to manufacturing equipment in the United States is bringing jobs to Nebraska’s Second Congressional District,” Bacon said. “We are going to see the ways the policy we pass in Congress impacts real businesses and highlight ways we can support infrastructure, reduce energy costs, and develop our workforce. When we do these things well, the U.S. is unbeatable on the international stage, but those things start here at home.” 

Bacon toured the manufacturing plant and spoke with employees, while learning about the Omaha-based company that builds aerial work platforms, cranes, and digger derricks that are used around the world.

“We are grateful to Congressman Don Bacon for taking the time to visit with our employees and learn more about our manufacturing operations and our contributions to the local economy,” said Jim Glazer, president of Elliott Equipment Company“Here at Elliott, we are proud to build high-quality products, and with the right policies in place, we will be able to continue that work for generations to come."

“Rep. Don Bacon is consistently working in a bipartisan manner to advance policies that are critical to the long-term success of the equipment manufacturing industry in America,” said Kip Eideberg, AEM’s senior vice president of government and industry relations. “Thanks to Rep. Bacon’s steadfast leadership in Washington, D.C., equipment manufacturers are better positioned to drive the economy forward, while investing in their communities, growing their businesses, and hiring more Americans. We look forward to continuing to work with Rep. Bacon and other bipartisan members of Congress to advance pro-manufacturing policies that will strengthen supply chains, train the next generation workforce, and bolster our competitiveness and level the playing field with our global competitors.”

Each year AEM and its member companies host dozens of lawmakers at equipment manufacturing facilities to highlight the policies needed to strengthen U.S. manufacturing and move the industry forward.