Kansas range academy dates set

Tallgrass prairie

The Kansas Association of Conservation Districts is working with Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition in promoting range academies for producers.

Attendees receive expert instruction from ranchers as well as agency and university staff on a variety of rangeland topics.

The Mixed Grass Academy is scheduled for Aug. 8 to 10, at Camp Mennoscah in Murdoch, Kansas.

The Tallgrass Academy is scheduled for Aug. 29 to 31, at Camp Wood YMCA near Elmdale, Kansas.

The Shortgrass Academy is set for Sept. 5 to 7, at Camp Christy in Scott City, Kansas.

Tuition, room and board is $350 per person. Additional people from the same ranch or outfit will be charged $300 per person. Registration is at bit.ly/3JUNKO3. People with questions may contact David Kraft at [email protected].