Soybean seed option blends two complementary varieties

Extreme field variability makes choosing the right soybean varieties challenging because it can lead to uneven yield potential and maturity issues at harvest. This fall, growers selecting Enlist E3 or XtendFlexsoybeans have a novel option in exclusive WinPak soybean varieties from Arden Hills, Minnesota-based CROPLAN.
WinPak varieties blend two high-performing and complementary seed varieties into one bag to help growers capitalize on traditionally high-producing soils while also helping mitigate variability risks.
In addition to diverse soil conditions, an unpredictable environment can push levels of disease and insect pressure higher or lower. It all brings variability that can cause pockets of high yields and others of poor performance. Choosing a WinPak variety helps mitigate risk in variable fields by leveling out those highs and lows. Varieties include high-end CROPLAN genetics and are available in today’s leading soybean trait packages, including Enlist E3, XtendFlex and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend, for season-long weed management.
When formulating a CROPLAN WinPak product, Hector De Leon, director of seed product management, said that breeders select seed pairings to be complementary in terms of agronomic features, such as region-specific disease tolerance, heat and drought tolerance, standability and yield potential. Additionally, maturities are carefully matched to have a consistent drydown in the field to help eliminate harvest timing issues.
For example, it could mean pairing one variety designed for less productive acres that has strong soybean white mold tolerance, a narrow canopy type and tall heights with another variety suited for productive acres that has excellent frogeye field tolerance, a bushy canopy type and medium stand heights.
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