The 56th Beef Empire Days Live Show took place June 4 in Garden City, Kansas. The Live Show was judged by Kelly Bruns, director of the research and extension operations at the West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte, Nebraska.
Sponsors of the Live Show included: Merck Animal Health, Tyson, TLC Trucking, LBS Scales, Elanco, KCB Bank, and Scoular Grain.
Heifer Division
1.Tag 223, 1,500 lbs., Sunbelt Feedyard, David Dodd Cattle Co., owner.
2.Tag 224, 1,568 lbs., Sunbelt Feedyard, David Dodd Cattle Co., owner.
3. Tag 263, 1,510 lbs., Danner Ranch, Jerome Danner, owner.
4. Tag 222, 1,495 lbs., Sunbelt Feedyard, David Dodd Cattle Co., owner.
5. Tag 203, 1,440 lbs., Turon Feedyard, Gene Enowski, owner.
6. Tag 265, 1,435 lbs., Midwest Feeders Inc., JCS GP/Frank Harper, owners.
7.Tag 254, 1,340 lbs., Hy Plains Feedyard, Hy-Plains Feedyard, owner.
8.Tag 259, 1,500 lbs., Brookover Feedyard, Brookover Land Enterprises, owner.
9. Tag 250, 1,470 lbs., HRC Feedyard, Burkdoll Bros., owner.
10. Tag 238, 1,450 lbs., Beefland Feedyard, Leonard Brothers Farms, owner.

Steer Division
1. Tag 210, 1,544 lbs., Lane County Feeders, Foote Cattle Co., owner.
2. Tag 206, 1,568 lbs., Lane County Feeders, Foote Cattle Co., owner.
3.Tag 197, 1,596 lbs., Triangle H, Gardiner Angus Ranch, owner.
4. Tag 119, 1,650 lbs., Reeve Cattle Company, Reeve Cattle Company, owner.
5. Tag 104, 1,600 lbs., Turon Feedyard, Dale and Carol Voran, owners.
6. Tag 136, 1,700 lbs., Sunbelt Feedyard, Ervin Miller, owner.
7. Tag 202, 1,562 lbs., Triangle H, Tyler and Naomi Mayer, owners.
8. Tag 211, 1,638 lbs., Lane County Feeders, Foote Cattle Co., owner.
9. Tag 115, 1,650 lbs., Beef Belt LLC, Clapp Ranch, owner.
10. Tag 182, 1,650 lbs., Finney County Feedyard, Derek Sawyer, owner.