Fuel prices top of mind for most people

I think the government is digging themselves a hole. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about the price of gas. You hear some talk about gun control but a lot about the price of fuel.

I went to the dentist this morning in Oklahoma City and the woman helping the dentist said, “Me and my husband both filled our vehicles up with gas yesterday and, wow, that hurts.” And this is a couple living in the city that probably drives 20 miles per day. She would really wow if she had several trucks and pickups to fill up each day. Then all three there chimed in about the price of everything else and how companies were putting less items in a box and rearranging it to make it look like you are getting the same amount.

It makes absolutely no sense to buy oil from a country that hates us instead of buying it from America. Let me change that first statement to “digging us a hole.”

The wind is blowing and it has warmed up but at least most of us did get some good moisture. Some will say it is predicted to be dry but in our area we always have that possibility.

This week our killing cows and bulls were higher again. We topped on killing cows at $102 per hundredweight and our bulls topped at $123 per hundredweight. It is the best time I have ever seen to switch those older or bigger cows and buy a young, bred cow or pair. We are lucky that our cow buyers are not friends and buddy up so it makes a very competitive killing market.

Last Thursday our 900- to 950-pound steers topped at $155 per hundredweight and 600- to 650-pound heifers topped at $165 per hundredweight.

A teacher noticed a little boy at the back of the class being ornery and squirming around and not paying attention. So the teacher sent him to the principal’s office. So he did like the principal told him and called his mother. Then the kid returned to the class.

Soon all the other kids were laughing and pointing at this kid. The teacher went to the back of the class and screamed very loud, “What are you doing with your pants unzipped.” The teacher asked, “Did you call your mom?” The kid said, “Yes, and she said it if I could stick it out ’til noon that she would come get me.”

A father was reading a Bible story to his son about Lot being warned to take his wife and flee out of the city. But his wife looked back and was turned to salt. His son asked, “What happened to the flea?”

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ra