Online Arkansas crop field day planned

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture will present the latest in Arkansas corn research during an online corn field day Sept. 3. It will be the second of four commodity events held online to provide Arkansas growers safe, two-way interaction with division researchers and extension specialists during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The online field day is free, but registration is required to connect. Register online at

Certified Crop Advisors and Arkansas Agricultural Consultants may receive 1.5 continuing education units for participating in the online field day.

McKinney will open the field day at 6 p.m. with a welcome address on behalf of the Division of Agriculture. Then Jacob Appleberry, chairman of the Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board, will share a message on behalf of the board.

Following presentations, the research and extension scientists will answer participants’ questions during a live online panel discussion. Field day participants will have an opportunity to interact with scientists and learn more about how the research applies to their crops and operations.

Online field days will be broadcast for soybeans on Sept. 17 and for cotton on Oct. 1.

For more information about the online field days and to register for the later commodity events, visit the 2020 virtual field day website at A recording of each field day will be available on demand from the website after the live broadcast. The field days are free, but registration is required to connect.