KLA: Livestock sales exempt from order

On March 17 Gov. Laura Kelly issued Executive Order No. 20-04, temporarily prohibiting mass gatherings of 50 or more to limit the spread of coronavirus. After preliminary communications with Kelly’s staff, Kansas Livestock Association believes that livestock sales are exempt from this mandatory order under paragraph 2(w) as “Manufacturing, processing, distribution, and production facilities.” 

At this time, producers may continue to hold livestock sales as scheduled. KLA recommends organizers encourage customers to use online or phone bidding options when possible, especially for out-of-state buyers, those over 60 years of age or who have compromised immune systems, and buyers who are feeling sick. Those attending livestock sales should be encouraged to follow CDC guidelines, which include avoiding person-to-person contact like handshakes, remaining at arm’s length from other person, avoiding touching your face, washing hands frequently and sneezing or coughing in a tissue or your elbow.

KLA staff will continue to monitor this constantly changing situation and provide updates and information as it becomes available.