Profitability from precision and yield data workshop Nov. 27 in Parsons

Agricultural technology is always advancing and can be used for the benefit of the farmer to maximize yields and cut costs. Come understand how combine yield data and soil mapping can be used to maximize production on highly heterogeneous soil using variable rate applications and management zones.  

The workshop will be spilt into two parts. From 9 a.m. to noon, Sassenrath and Dr. Griffin, both K-State specialists, will be speaking on affordable and practical agricultural technology and how it can be an important part of remaining financially stable in farming. The afternoon session will be a hands on workshop covering how to properly manage combine yield data and create yield maps. Please bring a laptop to join the yield data management part of the workshop.

This workshop is free and lunch provided. Sponsored by Heritage Tractor, Thomas Implement, O’Malley Equipment, and R&F Farm Supply. Register to attend at Wildcat Extension District; 620-724-8233 or email [email protected].

Please join us Nov. 27 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Southeast Research and Extension Center, 25092 Ness Road, Parsons, Kansas, to learn more about remaining profitable using agricultural precision technology and how to fully utilize your combine yield data.

An informational flyer can be downloaded from the Wildcat District website at

For more information, contact James Coover, Crop Production Agent, [email protected] or 620-724-8233.