Colorado Pork needs board members

Colorado Pork Producers Council

The Colorado Pork Producers Council seeks candidates to run for vacant positions on the CPPC board of directors. The election will be held June 25 at the CPPC annual meeting in La Junta.

The following is the criteria for membership and to run for a board position—Class A, owner-operator of a pig farming operation; Class B, contract grower as a feeder, grower or farrower of pigs; Class C, upper management employee in a pig farming enterprise; Class D, former producer who ended the activity less than 10 years ago; and Class E, allied industry as someone who has been actively engaged in the industry.

Any person who is a current participant in the Colorado Pork industry and meets these criteria is eligible to run.

The board terms begin Jan. 1. For more information, or to RSVP to attend the meeting, contact the CPPC office at (970) 356-4964 or [email protected].