
Volunteers bag potatoes at the third annual James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center potato harvest earlier this month. (Photo courtesy of Cent$ible Nutrition Program.)
Woman feeling relaxed gardening in her garden (Photo: iStock │ #1445716627 - Dejan_Dundjerski)

Ready or not: It’s time to plant the fall vegetable garden

  • By Pat Melgares │ K-State Research and Extension
Young potatoes roots in vegetables garden harvesting top view (Photo: iStock - Olha_Afanasieva)

Time to plant potatoes in Kansas

Preparing a freshly dug flower bed for planting in a garden with fork and wheelbarrow (Photo: iStock - PaulMaguire)

Four tips to creating the perfect garden plan

(Photo courtesy Timolina on Freepik.)
(Photo courtesy Timolina on Freepik.)
Volunteers bag potatoes at the third annual James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center potato harvest earlier this month. (Photo courtesy of Cent$ible Nutrition Program.)
Frozen cabbage in the garden covered with frost (Photo: iStock - Ulrike Leone)

Fall Frost Tolerance of Common Vegetables