Fruit trees protected from freezing temperatures at The Gardens at Texas A&M. A cold protection plan should include covers for sensitive trees and plants. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)
Pansies are a popular cool-season annual to add color to garden as the colder months approach. (Photo by Laura McKenzie, Texas A&M AgriLife.)

15 tips to prepare your garden for winter

Funny French Bulldog dog puppy with head in spooky Halloween trick or treat basket in front of black and orange paper streamers (Photo: iStock - Firn)

Avoid a night of fright for your dogs

  • By Mallory Pfeiffer │ Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
As general white-tailed deer hunting season opens Nov. 4 in Texas, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension expert encourages safety precautions. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Courtney Sacco)

Ensuring a safe and memorable hunting season

Over 33 species of bats call Texas home. (Photo courtesy of Murlin Tuttle, Bat Conservation International)

Bring on the bats

Livestock guardian dogs provide ranchers with a way to combat predators. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Michael Miller)
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Disaster Assessment and Recovery, DAR, agents receive ongoing training throughout the year working both blue and grey sky days to be prepared in response to Texans’ needs. (Photo by Nathanael Van Soest, Texas A&M AgriLife.)

Texas disaster recovery unit expands

There are a wide range of activities like walking nature trails, gardening, daily exercise in greenscapes and hunting that can connect people to the healing powers of nature. (Texas A&M AgriLife photos by Courtney Sacco and Michael Miller)