
The time to plant cool-season crops like carrots is fast approaching while warm-seeded crops need to be planted as soon as possible. (Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife)
Woman feeling relaxed gardening in her garden (Photo: iStock │ #1445716627 - Dejan_Dundjerski)

Ready or not: It’s time to plant the fall vegetable garden

  • By Pat Melgares │ K-State Research and Extension
PHOTO: Learn what to look for and how to maintain backyard gardens, porch plants, and landscapes during the summer months. (Photo by Ken Johnson, Illinois Extension) 

Tips for getting landscape plants through summer

Cutting vegetables on cutting board (Photo: iStock - Lyndon Stratford)
Digging in garden beds. Weeding weeds in the garden. (Photo: iStock - Anna Solovei)

June Gardening Tips and Checklist

  • By JayDee Gunnell | Utah State University Extension
Eggplant (Photo: Cindy Haynes)

Planting and Growing Eggplant

  • By Aaron J. Steil │ Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Farmer woman holding wooden box full of fresh raw vegetables (Photo: iStock - Milan Krasula)
National Gardening Month is a great time for novices to try their hand at gardening or for experts to branch out. (Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife)