Sugar crash

I’m a third generation wheat/soybean/milo farmer from Beloit, Kansas. I was a little upset in the way the column “No sugar for you” was presented. In the beginning, it seems like Seymour Klierly is chastising office managers for attempting to promote healthier habits to his or her employees.

Sure, the immediate gratification of a doughnut can make an employee happier in the moment (who doesn’t love doughnuts?), but I’d like to see statistics from mood, productivity and general body feeling an hour after indulging.

It’s scientifically proven that cutting sugar and adding blood flow (push-ups, brisk walk around the office/tractor) works. Not only does it increase productivity, it also has a lasting positive effect on mood and morale. Conversely, consuming sugar and remaining sedentary decreases productivity and negatively affects mood. I’m sure you’re not learning all of this for the first time (at least I hope not).

I very much respect the rights of Americans’ to eat whatever they want (which is obviously being abused), however I have a right as farm manager to write in sharpie on the pop cooler in the back of the service truck “HARDEN THE *BLEEP* UP!” If I were the manager of an office (thank the Lord I’m not), I would put the same sign over the doughnuts with an arrow pointing to a vegetable tray. I would also expect to not be chastised for it because I’m trying to do my employees a favor.

As much as the Obamas got wrong, one thing Michelle got right is raising awareness of what we’re feeding ourselves and our children. The efficiency of the American farmer can be put to better use than feeding our kids or employees poison.

—John D. Stover is a farmer from Beloit, Kansas.