Why backyard chickens are thriving during COVID-19

During COVID-19, raising backyard chickens has exploded in popularity. However, caring for  live animals is vastly different from other quarantine trends like doing puzzles or trying new recipes; chickens need care every single day, and require more time and energy than some may expect. So, why have backyard chickens become so popular? And, if the current trend continues, what will that mean for the larger landscape of backyard chicken keeping? Here are some answers.

Raising backyard chickens is safe

Poultry manufacturers and distributors have been seriously impacted by COVID-19. Cleaning measures have quadrupled while staff has been cut in half, which has inevitably impacted production. Despite all of the changes, they have done a great job amending their procedures and keeping both the public and their employees safe, but people are still being extra cautious. Here are some reasons why:

• Going out to buy eggs or poultry means entering a grocery store full of other people. Being in a large crowd increases the chances of becoming ill, so people would rather limit their trips to the supermarket in order to stay healthy.

• Even though Safer-at-Home orders have been lifted, many people would prefer to maintain the same limits that were in place before, and taking care of chickens not only limits trips to the supermarket, but also gives people something to do while they are at home.

People have more time on their hands

Staying at home has limited day-to-day travel, visits with friends, trips to the movies, and just about any leisure activity you can think of. Because of that, people are trying new ways to entertain themselves from the comfort of their own home or backyard. Raising chickens has been a popular choice because they’re cuddly, cute, and will give their owners something to do at all times. For families with kids, caring for chickens provides a hands-on learning experience and can keep the kids from getting bored.

Current trends

Across the country, hatcheries are receiving a surplus of orders for baby chicks as people are starting their own backyard flocks. While some people are turning to local co-op or feed stores, a large portion are simply calling in orders or placing them online with bigger hatcheries. This has led to longer wait times, so it’s best to have in mind what breed you want before ordering. A complete list is available at chickensandmore.com/chicken-breeds.

There have also been new trends in biosecurity as COVID-19 has made us all much more aware of how to protect ourselves and our chickens from disease. Biosecurity has always been important to prevent illnesses such as salmonella, and the preventative measures for COVID-19 have helped promote healthy flocks and owners. Some important biosecurity trends are as follows:

• Limiting visitors to the flock.

• Cleaning shoes, tools, and equipment, and separating chicken-keeping clothes and shoes from everyday clothes and shoes.

• Cleaning vehicles and cages that chickens and other handlers have come in contact with.

• Not sharing any tools or equipment with neighbors or fellow keepers.

Looking forward

For some families, keeping backyard chickens will be the new norm even after the pandemic ends. Those who have done extensive research on what chickens to raise and spent a surplus of cash developing the perfect backyard coop are likely in it for the long-term. This means that, depending on whether they use their flock for eggs, meat, or dual-purpose, their reliance on mainstream manufacturers will be lessened as they turn to a simpler form of consumption.

All in all, keeping a backyard flock during COVID-19 is not a bad option, as long as you do your research and understand the commitment.

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