Just a scoop full

A few months ago a friend of mine was trying to buy very nice yearling heifers to breed. And this guy wanted a set of black heifers with a lot of quality and no implants. We had several sets that were nice. And another important quality for both of us is they need to be gentle. So that Thursday we ran in some black heifers, about 30 head. I noticed his dad and him were talking back and forth but he never bid. His dad walked out for a little bit. Soon he texted his sister, who weighs cattle at the sale. He said, “Trying to buy heifers to breed with dad sitting beside me is a lot like going hunting with the game warden.”

Our feeder market has improved every week for the last 6 weeks or so. We had some 800-pound steers that topped $137.50 and our 700-pound steers topped at $145.00. Our 800-pound heifers topped at $124.00.

Just west of Woodward about 25 miles, there was a cane field where the cane was about 6 inches tall. Last week it was burning plum up with half of the field looking very brown. But last Saturday, we got an inch of rain and a little more on Sunday. And two days later it looks like that cane is going to come out of it. We are so dependent on moisture in order to survive. And even with irrigation that extra rain makes a lot of difference.

The doctor said, “Relax, David, it is only a small surgery. Don’t panic.” Then the patient said, “But my name is not David.” The doctor said, “I know. That is my name.”

I have been told at times I am a smart alec but I really find that hard to believe. But this morning the banker said, “Coming back from New Mexico was the longest trip I have ever taken.” I said, “How’s that? Were you riding home with your wife?”

My secretary’s husband went to New Mexico and he entered in the 50-year-old and older category of bull riding. She seemed very excited but I was wondering if she was rooting for her husband or the bull?

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.