Guidance for livestock shows updated to help slow COVID spread

The Nebraska Department of Agriculture recently updated its livestock show guidance to reflect current health measures and guidelines designed to help slow the spread of COVID-19. NDA encourages livestock show organizers to review the updated guidance before arranging any future shows.

“The fluid nature of this COVID-19 pandemic makes it difficult to plan for upcoming December and January livestock progress shows,” said NDA Director Steve Wellman. “We’re encouraging livestock show organizers to continue to do the right things like follow current health guidelines to keep participants safe and healthy, while promoting Nebraska agriculture.”

The original guidance for livestock shows and events in Nebraska was created in cooperation with representatives from NDA, the Nebraska Association of Fair Managers, the Nebraska State Fair, Nebraska Extension, Nebraska FFA and local health officials. The updated guidance is found on NDA’s website at

In the event of changes to state’s directed health measures, or additional statewide restrictions or relaxations, the livestock show and event guidance will be updated as needed.