Beef Month continues ahead of summer grilling season

Beef Month serves as an unofficial kickoff to grilling season, so the Kansas Beef Council has launched a library of beef recipes on From steaks and ribs to kabobs and carnitas, consumers will find numerous options to help optimize their grilling experience. The library also includes a few side dish recipes to complete the beef meals, making the website a one-stop shop.

“Research shows consumers are looking for new recipes to add variety to their dinner tables,” said KBC Director of Marketing Sharla Huseman. “One of the great things about beef is that there’s a grilling cut for every budget and the cut variation allows for dinner to taste great every time.”

In addition to providing beef grilling recipes, KBC is collaborating with Hy-Vee grocery stores over the summer. Hy-Vee will feature in-store signage at the meatcase and disseminate a custom recipe brochure. The brochure is unique, as it has eight grilled steak recipes that highlight excellent beef cuts for grilling, combined with grilling tips and a QR code that consumers can scan with their smartphone for more information about beef production. Each QR code goes to a state-specific webpage where shoppers can learn about cattle producers in each of the eight states where Hy-Vee stores are located, including Kansas. Nationwide, Kansas ranks third for beef production, with nearly 25% of the nation’s steaks coming from the state.

“As Kansans start firing up their grills, KBC has the grilling recipes and additional resources available to support putting beef on the consumer’s plate,” said Huseman.