Iowa Pork Producers Association led by north central Iowa Farmer

A Humboldt County pig farmer, Kevin Rasmussen, is the new president of the Iowa Pork Producers Association. The change in leadership followed the recent IPPA annual meeting. Rasmussen, who had served as president-elect in 2021, replaces Dennis Liljedahl of Essex. Liljedahl now holds the past president position on the IPPA board of directors. Both Rasmussen and Liljedahl will serve one-year terms in their new roles.

Rasmussen has been a member of the IPPA board of directors since 2018, when he was elected by pig farmers in his area to represent them as the District 2 director. He became a member of the executive committee in 2019. He has served on several IPPA committees and has been chairman of two—the public relations and public policy committees.

The Rasmussen family farm, Owl Lake Production Company near Goldfield, is operated by Kevin, his wife Lisa, and son, Joel. They finish 8,000 hogs per year and grow about 1,100 acres of corn and soybeans using conservation measures such as strip-till. Kevin and Lisa have two other children, and four grandchildren.

The board oversees leadership and direction for all IPPA Pork Checkoff programs, public policy and general direction of the organization.