The High Plains area weekly weighted average direct cattle sales results for the week ending Aug. 4, reported receipts of 55,921 head compared to 61,080 head a week ago and 68,640 head a year ago, according to the USDA Livestock Poultry and Grain Market News Division, St. Joseph, Missouri.
The report is based on sales from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa, and Minnesota feedlots.
Steers: Steers: Live FOB basis, 19,752 head, 1,325 to 1,675 lbs., 188.00 to 198.50 (195.85); 65 to 80% Choice, 3,798 head, 1,250 to 1,525 lbs., 185.00 to 196.00 (188.77); 35 to 65% Choice, 960 head, 1,275 to 1,500 lbs., 187.00 to 188.00 (187.96). Live delivered, over 80% Choice, 392 head, 1,400 to 1,600 lbs., 193.00 to 197.00 (194.89). Dress delivered, over 80% Choice, 7,766 head, 819 to 1,058 lbs., 306.00 to 311.00 (309.54); 65 to 80% Choice, 1,493 head, 857 to 1,014 lbs., 308.00 to 310.00 (309.89). Dressed FOB, 225 head, 1,000 lbs., 310.00.
Heifers: Live FOB basis, 6,664 head, 1,225 to 1,450 lbs., 187.00 to 198.00 (195.53); 65 to 80% Choice, 1,539 head, 1,225 to 1,390 lbs., 187.00 to 196.00 (190.66); 35 to 65% Choice, 420 head, 1,225 to 1,275 lbs., 188.00. Live delivered, over 80% Choice, 623 head, 1,275 to 1,350 lbs., 195.00 to 198.00 (197.42); 65 to 80% Choice, 116 head, 1,275 lbs., 193.00. Dressed delivered, 2,126 head, 690 to 917 lbs., 308.00 to 310.00 (309.53); 65 to 80% Choice, 208 head, 747 to 781 lbs., 310.00. Dressed FOB, NA.