Four State Irrigation Council to have annual meeting

A Reinke center pivot sprinkler. (Courtesy photo.)

Timely and critical water infrastructure issues will be at the center of discussions Jan. 29 to 30 in Northglenn, Colorado, as ditch and irrigation company representatives, state and federal officials, farmers and others convene for the Four States Irrigation Council’s 2025 annual meeting.

The general public and media are also invited to attend the event, which will take place at the Delta Hotel in Northglenn.

Presentations during the annual meeting will cover some of the region’s critical water infrastructure projects, as well as examine various challenges and issues facing irrigators today. Updates will be provided by U.S. Bureau of Reclamation officials, the Family Farm Alliance, representatives of state water resources offices, university staff and other experts from across the four states region, which includes Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming. Exhibitors at the event will showcase some of the latest innovations and provide attendees with up-to-date information on new products and services.

Additionally, the Headgate awards will once again be presented this year during the annual meeting banquet. These awards are given to individuals who have been active and supportive of irrigation and water resources developments in the four states region.

To learn more about the event and to register, visit

The Four States Irrigation Council, established in 1952, serves as a forum for irrigators, irrigation and water districts, ditch companies and others to discuss water-delivery and irrigation-related issues, exchange ideas and information and develop solutions. The annual meeting is held each January to discuss big-picture water infrastructure issues, as well as explore more specific topics, such as new developments in water measurement, remote-control canal operations, dam safety on-farm irrigation efficiency, project financing, legal issues and more.

Four States—which also hosts biennial summer tours—promotes the wise use of the nation’s water resources and encourages effective and diverse use of this limited resource. Improving agricultural conservation, promoting more efficient use of water and balancing these needs with aquatic and wildlife concerns are all priorities of Four States.

Four States members include irrigation and water district employees and board members, farmers, engineers, university staff, Extension agents, government officials and others with an interest in irrigation and water infrastructure. Membership is open to anyone, and there are no annual dues or membership fees. To become a member, attend an event or visit and request to be added to the Four States mailing list.