Compared to last week, cash bids for were mostly lower for wheat, corn, soybeans, and sorghum according to USDA reported prices, Aug. 30.
For the week ending Aug. 25, a decrease of 132,481 metric tons of corn inspected and weighed for export was reported while a decrease of 249,976 metric tons of soybeans were inspected and weighed. Wheat inspected and weighed for export showed a decrease of 73,482 metric tons. Sorghum inspected and weighed for export reported a decrease of 20,910 metric tons.
Ethanol production for the week ending Aug. 19, increased slightly to 987,000 barrels a day.
Wheat was down 3 3/4 cents to unchanged. Corn down 5 3/4 to 4 cents. Sorghum was down 4 cents. Soybeans were down 5 1/4 cents.
In the futures close, Kansas City September wheat was $9.08 3/4.
Terminal wheat bids, paid for truck delivery, included Kansas City, $9.77 3/4, down 14 3/4 cents; Minneapolis, $10.22 3/4, change unavailable; Portland, $8.50 to $8.90, unchanged; St. Louis, $7.91 1/4 to $8.16 1/4, down 43 3/4 to 28 3/4 cents.
Terminal corn bids, U.S. No. 2 yellow, price paid for truck deliver, included: Kansas City, $7.54 3/4 to $7.66 3/4, down 4 cents; Minneapolis, $7.09 3/4 to $7.49 3/4, down 4 cents; southern Iowa, $6.64 3/4 to $7.19 3/4, down 4 cents; Omaha, $6.95 1/4 to $7.14 1/4, down 5 3/4 cents.
Terminal soybean bids, U.S. No. 1, price paid for truck delivery, included: Kansas City, $14.17 1/2 to $15.80 1/2, down 5 1/4 cents; Minneapolis, $15.67 1/2 to $15.77 1/2, down 5 1/4 to 1/4 cents; southern Iowa, $14.82 1/2 to $16.32 1/2, down 5 1/4 to 15 1/4 cents; central Illinois processors, $14.82 1/2 to $16.92 1/2, down 5 1/4 cents.
Kansas City wheat prices Aug. 30, spot, fob track, included: No. 1 hard red winter wheat, ordinary protein, $10.17 3/4 to $10.27 3/4, down 40 3/4 cents; 12% protein, $10.17 3/4 to $10.27 3/4, down 40 3/4 cents; 13% protein, $10.12 3/4 to $10.22 3/4, down 24 3/4 cents; 14% protein, $10.12 3/4 to $10.22 3/4, down 24 3/4 cents. U.S. No. 2 soft red winter wheat was unavailable. U.S. No. 2 white corn was unavailable.